So because today is Labor Day sadly all the libraries are closed. we
are emailing on our IPads which takes forever so this email may be a
little shorter than normal.
And expect lots of spelling and grammar arrears and such. So sorry.
But OH MY GOODNESS WHAT AN AWESOME WEEK!! So sister Casas and I set
our goal of lessons taught this week like REALLY high....and we were
like YEAHS we are going to put our faith in the Lord and make this
Then. It happened.
Honestly I have a testimony of the power of setting goals and working
hard to reach them! The Lord will truly magnify your efforts.
Oh! And remember that family that got baptized?! They got confirmed!
It was so great! We were so happy for them! And we gave them a little
photo album of their baptism. It was really cool. After they were
confirmed it was like they were truly members of the ward/church. I
could feel the spirit with them. It was amazing.
Sis Casas and I also bore our testimonies in sacrament meeting. I went
very first! Like out of the whole ward! I think that was the first
time I've gone first since I was like five.
Also! I went on exchanges again! It was really really awesome. I went
to Spanish Land with Hermana Baker! Honestly I've never met someone
more like me than Hermana Baker. It was kinda crazy. We got along
super well! And she is a greenie just like me, we got our here the
same time. And I had to drive because she lost her wallet and it was
kinda nerve wracking because it was a new area and I just barely got
my driving privileges and it was a new car! But it was awesome and I
have been practicing the first vision in Spanish and I got to do it !
It was really cool. Oh! And I almost choked and died during dinner.
But then I didn't. And then I ate pickled pig skin. Ew. But wow. I did
So, Bluebell ice cream is this famous ice cream that you can only get
in Texas and Louisiana. And when I got here here it was all recalled
because supposedly someone died from it....? But they brought it back
because it was totally fine! And I finally got to eat some with
Hermana baker on exchanges. It was so good! Like the best ice cream
EVER. AND we convinced the zone leaders to buy us some and bring it
because it's not in Dayton because Dayton is too small of a town.
One more thing: the church is true. One of our investigators said she
was reading the Book of Mormon but then felt guilty and didn't want to
go to hell. We didn't have time to do a lesson but I flipped the Book
of Mormon in my hands open and it opened right to the scripture I was
thinking of. 2Ne 25:26. And then I shared it! I opened my mouth and
shared the scripture and testified of how the Book of Mormon testifies
of Christ and teaches the true gospel. It was really awesome! Let's
hear it for the Spirit!
2Ne 25:26 And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ,
we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we
write according to our prophecies, that our children
may know to what source they may look for a
remission of their sins.
One more story: so we ended up going to Subway for dinner on Thursday
when like three other plans fell through. Then we met this worker who
was like, what church are you guys from? So we told her and she was
like hey I've been looking for a church can I come this Sunday? We
were like AHHHHH YES! She is amazing. We were just like. Wow. That
like never happens. But it so does.
Have an amazing week. The church is so true.
- Sister Wilson